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    • Cooper
      Cooper replied to the thread Fusion 360 for personal use.
      I have tried to down load but I've only got a 30 day trial. It seems to be cloud based and not a program on my computer, as the sketch...
    • Cooper
      Cooper replied to the thread Chocolate Teapot ?.
      I haven’t made a set for sometime but I used to mark the pins with my dovetail saw and cut to the outside of the mark. I was always a...
    • Cooper
      Cooper replied to the thread Solar panels still worth it?.
      I have one observation, there is much discussion about pay back. Perhaps someone could explain what the payback is for a replacement...
    • Cooper
      Been working on a carving for an auction this weekend. Have tried to use the natural features of the wood to influence the design...
    • Cooper
      Cooper replied to the thread Double sided tape.
      Thanks I’ll give that a go.
    • Cooper
      Recently I’ve made some secondary “glazing “ frames with softwood and plastic film. I used double sided tape. It seemed to hold very...
    • Cooper
      Cooper replied to the thread Fusion 360 for personal use.
      Thank you all for your encouragement, I’ll have a go and keep you posted! I should manage as I’m only 74 and 30 years ago used to teach...
    • Cooper
      Cooper replied to the thread Fusion 360 for personal use.
      I’ve been using sketckup for years and have wondered about Fusion. How easy do you think it would it be for this old bloke to learn...
    • Cooper
      Cooper replied to the thread How to?.
      Dovetail joint, tail on the upright, pins on the base.
    • Cooper
      Cooper replied to the thread Glue.
      I’ve never turned a glued up piece but my experience of breaking up glued bits of wood is that ( except where animal glue is very old or...
    • Cooper
      Cooper replied to the thread What would you do with this?.
      I rescued a few logs when a neighbour had a similar tree felled. I split them down the length and turned them into bowls with quite...
    • Cooper
      This is so sad. He was such kind and generous man. He was the reason I started using this chat room. I had an old 3 phase Graduate I...
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