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    • M
      Mrs C replied to the thread Small Routers.
      Another vote for Katsu at £38 from Aimtools, had mine for donkeys years and gets far more use than my bigger router.
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      Mrs C replied to the thread Triton Tra001 Router question.
      Did as Deema suggested as it gets to the point where the quality of the cut is dictated by the sturdiness of the table not by the router...
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      Mrs C reacted to deema's post in the thread Triton Tra001 Router question with Like Like.
      Just a suggestion. Sell the router and router table and buy a small spindle moulder. Far more capable, stable, better cutting...
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      Mrs C reacted to meccarroll's post in the thread A Kitchen for daughter with Like Like.
      This was a project this year, cabinets made of MRMDF, carcases Melamine faced chipboard and spray finished in Renner water based paint...
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