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    • Spectric
      Spectric replied to the thread Air source Heat Pumps any good?.
      Yes I agree, nice and simple form of heating but think modern world where people have a remote for everything and no mater how hard they...
    • Spectric
      Spectric replied to the thread Consistent rips on panel saw.
      When a timber yard I use cuts up sheets on their Altendorf they just set the stops, lay the sheet on the slide mechanism and done, it...
    • Spectric
      Spectric replied to the thread Air source Heat Pumps any good?.
      That is just showing how bad these systems can be, I wonder if they will be like the windows Pc where you get continous updates which...
    • Spectric
      Spectric replied to the thread Solar panels still worth it?.
      That is one of the big downsides to all this newer technology and complexity is fine providing the standards match otherwise reliability...
    • Spectric
      Spectric replied to the thread Titebond 3.
      Runny can be good when using dowels and you do get some mess but not to much if you do not use excessive glue. While we are talking...
    • Spectric
      Spectric replied to the thread Titebond 3.
      The open time is good and required especially when it comes to using dowels.
    • Spectric
      Spectric reacted to AJB Temple's post in the thread Titebond 3 with Like Like.
      T3 works fine for me. But I do not expect any glue of this type to set properly in cold and damp conditions.
    • Spectric
      Spectric replied to the thread Solar panels still worth it?.
      When doing the calculations you need to be hard so that you get realistic payback times and ensure the investment will give returns and...
    • Spectric
      Spectric replied to the thread Titebond 3.
      Used Titebond 3 for years without any issues, normally solid in approx an hour so what are you gluing, what wood and what type of joints ?
    • Spectric
      Spectric replied to the thread The BMW Beaver.
      That grille looks more like the eye of a bluebottle fly .
    • Spectric
      Spectric replied to the thread Recommended boiler.
      Do you mean a hot water cylinder or header tanks for the heating and hot water ? You say it loses pressure so I would assume it is a...
    • Spectric
      Spectric replied to the thread Double sided tape.
      Just look for 3M and avoid unbranded or brands with OTT advertising.
    • Spectric
      Because we have noticed the woodburner consumes all damp then we just use a good old fashioned free standing clothes horse and a pulley...
    • Spectric
      What catches many DIY'ers out is the fact a neutral can be live and lethal, just a basic understanding of ohms law would often save the day.
    • Spectric
      Spectric replied to the thread The Apprentice....
      That is the problem when you mess around with a language, you can call something reality Tv but it is far from being real or true to...
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