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    • artie
      artie replied to the thread Joke Thread 5.
      And here comes the punchline. It was too hot even for the OT forum and is now locked. :)
    • artie
      artie replied to the thread Joke Thread 5.
      Waiting patiently for the punchline. :)
    • artie
      artie replied to the thread Pint of Beer 21p.
      Artie was making £55 per week take home. Admittedly for a 56 hour week. Living at home with Mother Never had it so good before or since.
    • artie
      artie reacted to Phil Pascoe's post in the thread Amazon delivery speedy with Like Like.
      Take notice of the 3* ones for more honest opinions. Too many false 5*s, and often the 1*s are nonsense - often because delivery didn't...
    • artie
      artie reacted to squib's post in the thread Adze bargain? with Like Like.
      What a disgusting reply! To hope that a person who bought something in good face feels penitent in some way.... You actually have no way...
    • artie
      artie reacted to niemeyjt's post in the thread Joke Thread 5 with Like Like.
      What's the difference between a Hippo and a Zippo? One's very heavy whilst the other is a little lighter.
    • artie
      artie replied to the thread Joke Thread 5.
      Probably a slightly better option than a hippo
    • artie
      artie replied to the thread Joke Thread 5.
      I thought it was, but apparently there's some truth to it. Take it as a warning against adopting a Hippo
    • artie
      artie replied to the thread Evri....or is it?!.
      I've found myself going the other way because of the £35 spend required to kick in free postage.
    • artie
      artie replied to the thread Joke Thread 5.
      • 472947111_10235309577629922_990043759703536910_n.jpg
    • artie
      artie replied to the thread Freedom of speech....
      I don't understand how your reply relates to the part of my post you quoted. Which was artie said...
    • artie
      artie replied to the thread Freedom of speech....
      I'm afraid it's the old chestnut. If you can't attack the message, attack the messenger.
    • artie
      artie reacted to paulrbarnard's post in the thread Freedom of speech... with Like Like.
      But did truth play any part in obtaining that great power. It does look like ‘how loud you shout’ is the significant attribute for...
    • artie
      artie replied to the thread Freedom of speech....
      Ironic. On a thread about free speech.
    • artie
      Only time I use imperial is when I visualize a project.
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