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    • Phill05
      Phill05 replied to the thread Drill bits for router?.
      DrPhil, I use a Dremel and made a small router base for it and you could use it as a drill press very easy.
      • Dremel.jpg
    • Phill05
      Phill05 reacted to Ollie78's post in the thread Accurate drilling with Like Like.
      This is exactly what I was suggesting.
    • Phill05
      Phill05 replied to the thread Engraved Brass Plaques.
      Hi Russell, I used dipping tanks still have them down the garden now full of weeds.
    • Phill05
      Phill05 replied to the thread Accurate drilling.
      Graham, I made up a rolling slide as I called it when I had a lot of holes to mark out when I was making up some cramp bars, no matter...
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    • Phill05
      Phill05 replied to the thread Fixing a brace drill rachet.
      What about a spring pin/cotter pin? I think I have some small ones I can have a look.
    • Phill05
      You have to think someone might have done it on purpose.
    • Phill05
      Phill05 replied to the thread Engraved Brass Plaques.
      Hey Russell, Very nice work, well this bought back some memories I used to do very similar work on clock dials and sundials back in the...
    • Phill05
      Phill05 reacted to Dabop's post in the thread NOooo with Like Like.
      Cedar is (well was) one of the more prolific timbers from when I was living in northern NSW and was the major source of income in the...
    • Phill05
      Phill05 replied to the thread Record High Speed Breast Drill.
      Here's a two speed little more modern from the 60's
      • High.jpg
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    • Phill05
      Phill05 reacted to DaveCollins's post in the thread NOooo with Like Like.
      I am the last person in the world to be labelled as politically correct.... but come on! Some of the comments here made me squirm with...
    • Phill05
      Turned a base for another of my paper birds, whilst it was between centres I was thinking of how best to display the bird that is...
    • Phill05
      Phill05 replied to the thread Sharpening conspiracy!.
      We used a triangular steel to keep sharp the old scythe and sickle, also touch up bill hooks and hand axe for hedge cutting & laying, It...
    • Phill05
      Phill05 replied to the thread Telescopes.
      I have a Mirador 60mm spotting scope with window mount for when your sat in the car and also a tripod, It is in real good condition I am...
    • Phill05
      Well done mate are you inviting the other half out tonight !!
    • Phill05
      Very nice, I thought I had seen the headstock before in the dim and distant past an old guy I knew had one here in the UK and he loved...
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