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    • K
      Krome10 replied to the thread Wood stove fans.
      I tried one a couple of years ago and didn't feel it made a difference for me (or the wife for that matter). Nearly everything I read...
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      Krome10 reacted to paulrbarnard's post in the thread Climate change policy with Like Like.
      The United Kingdom’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are typically reported on a territorial basis, accounting for emissions produced...
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      Krome10 reacted to Chris152's post in the thread Climate change policy with Like Like.
      How odd.
    • K
      Krome10 reacted to paulrbarnard's post in the thread Climate change policy with Like Like.
      Interestingly you can’t use Big Mac in the prompt. I had to change it to burger.
    • K
      Krome10 replied to the thread Climate change policy.
      I wish I was a cartoonist... I'd illustrate one element of earth systems collapse with a steam powered mega trawler dredging the sea bed...
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      Krome10 replied to the thread Climate change policy.
      I agree @Sachakins .... on the one hand. But not on the other. Are they largely incompetent fools? Yes. Are the mainstream...
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      Krome10 replied to the thread Climate change policy.
      Because everyone else is. It's unprecedented.
    • K
      Krome10 replied to the thread Climate change policy.
      It's both sad and interesting to hear the defeatist attitude in @Sachakins posts above. "Sad"... Look at how the world responded to...
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      Krome10 replied to the thread Climate change policy.
      @bp122 Ha ha - yes, good point RE the plastic waste! It closes the cycle nicely! And if we don't end up sending it overseas in it's...
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      Krome10 replied to the thread Climate change policy.
      Interesting stuff that I wasn't aware, thank you. Seems a good match to the Exxon outlook... Acknowledge the problem, own up to it...
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      Krome10 replied to the thread Climate change policy.
      Nope Yep Exactly
    • K
      Krome10 replied to the thread Foil Insulation for attic.
      Just to add to the discussion about rafter ventilation. As @Jake pointed out, ventilation at the eaves is a big part of the picture...
    • K
      Krome10 replied to the thread Climate change policy.
      "There is general scientific agreement that the most likely manner in which mankind is influencing the global climate is through carbon...
    • K
      Krome10 replied to the thread Climate change policy.
      And the oft repeated arguments that it's what we consume not what we produce.
    • K
      Krome10 replied to the thread Climate change policy.
      I'm no expert, but from some of the reading I've done it's not just global warming and/or climate change. The decimation of the sea and...
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