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    • Robbo3
      Dunno, but if it helps Rag 'n'nBone Brown has done several videos on how changes to his extraction set up have made improvements -...
    • Robbo3
      Robbo3 replied to the thread Joke Thread 5.
      An Ode to 'Fifty Shades of Grey' - A husband's point of view. John Summers (not Pam Ayres) The missus bought a Paperback down Shepton...
    • Robbo3
      Robbo3 replied to the thread New Mattress.
      A mattress can feel completely different when it's on a solid base rather than springs or slats, so you have to look at the complete...
    • Robbo3
      Robbo3 replied to the thread Wood stove fans.
      I can't comment on those who say they don't work because I don't know their circumstances but for the sceptics, in our bungalow the...
    • Robbo3
      Robbo3 replied to the thread For Sale Chucks.
      Scroll chuck No. 6 Sold. Sorry, I missed this. I don't have any more info other than what can be looked up from the info given. I can...
    • Robbo3
      Robbo3 replied to the thread Joke Thread 5.
      Upon arriving home, a husband was met at the door by his sobbing wife. Tearfully she explained, "It's the pharmacist. He insulted me...
    • Robbo3
      Robbo3 replied to the thread For Sale Chucks.
      Trextr7monkey PM sent (= Conversation started).
    • Robbo3
      Hoo-ray for some common sense. Having done a fair bit of driving in the dark recently I find that it is mainly vans that dazzle. Their...
    • Robbo3
      Robbo3 replied to the thread Joke Thread 5.
      A man was dining alone in a fancy restaurant and there was a gorgeous redhead sitting at the next table. He had been checking her out...
    • Robbo3
      Robbo3 replied to the thread Joke Thread 5.
      Confessional A drunken man staggers into a catholic church and sits down in a confession box but says nothing. The bewildered priest...
    • Robbo3
      Robbo3 replied to the thread Wood stove fans.
      Dunno. £15 from Amazon. If we leave the living room door open the heat will gradually seep through the hall to other areas without the...
    • Robbo3
      Robbo3 replied to the thread Joke Thread 5.
      Stress You pick up a hitch-hiker; a beautiful girl. Suddenly she faints inside your car and you take her to the hospital. Now that's...
    • Robbo3
      Robbo3 replied to the thread Wood stove fans.
      A stove top fan in our living room (5kw stove) allows the heat to travel enough to warm up the hallway, kitchen & bathroom. It's free...
    • Robbo3
      I completely agree. It's illegal to allow an animal to suffer yet it's ok for a human.
    • Robbo3
      Robbo3 replied to the thread Joke Thread 5.
      That's taking the p............ roverbial.
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