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    • Robbo3
      Robbo3 replied to the thread QR & hyperlink scams.
      Totally agree with the original post. The same applies to links in emails. You may know & even trust the sender but you don't know if...
    • Robbo3
      Robbo3 replied to the thread Joke Thread 5.
      A lady is at the hairdressers, the stylist is one of those people who always likes to put people and the things they do down, but it was...
    • Robbo3
      According to the manual the headstock is a 3/4" x 16 tpi thread with a 1 Morse taper but the tailstock is a 2 Morse taper -...
    • Robbo3
      Robbo3 replied to the thread Versachuck jaw flinging woes.
      Sorry, but I disagree. You will have a job to hold anything with what you are calling jaws. As I said before, jaws are mounted on the...
    • Robbo3
      Robbo3 replied to the thread Woss dis, then?!.
      Mine will take the edges off the end of mild steel rods ie chamfer, as well as wood however I tend to use a file with he rod held in the...
    • Robbo3
      Robbo3 replied to the thread Joke Thread 5.
      The American President is visiting a Glasgow hospital. He enters a ward full of patients with no obvious sign of injury or illness, He...
    • Robbo3
      Forgot to add that also included is an M33 Axminster Goliath chuck with 'C' & 'M' jaws. (stock photo)
      • Axminster-goliath-chuck-l.jpg
    • Robbo3
      Robbo3 replied to the thread Versachuck jaw flinging woes.
      Lots of generalisations within the above answers. As this is the Wood Turning & Lathes section we should restrict our answers to wood...
    • Robbo3
      Robbo3 replied to the thread Joke Thread 5.
      Scouse Eggs Two Scousers are riding along the M62 from Manchester to Liverpool on a motorbike. They break down and start hitching a...
    • Robbo3
      AT = Axminster Trade VS = Variable speed Bed extension with tool rest extension post 300mm, 150mm tool rests Faceplate, drive centre...
      • Lathe - stock photo.jpg
      • Lathe 1.jpg
      • Lathe 2.jpg
    • Robbo3
      Robbo3 replied to the thread Joke Thread 5.
      Proud 2 b british! Being British is about driving in a German car to an Irish pub for a Belgian beer, then travelling home, grabbing...
    • Robbo3
      Robbo3 replied to the thread Nifty trick needed!.
      If you mean the Morse taper, then you have been told wrong, unless you add that all the oil must be removed & the taper left clean & dry
    • Robbo3
      Robbo3 replied to the thread Joke Thread 5.
      A young Programmer and his Project Manager board a train headed through the mountains on its way to Wichita. They can find no place to...
    • Robbo3
      Robbo3 replied to the thread 90 DEGREE LATHE TOOL RACK/HOLDER.
      Nice. I posted a similar item back in 2018 along with the same tip for making the holders but mine rested on the lathe bed. -...
    • Robbo3
      Robbo3 replied to the thread Which lathe n chisils.
      Nope. Speed is your friend. You turn at the fastest safe speed you feel comfortable with.
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