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    • Robbo3
      The Major Gearbox, (GM501A) & the Minor Gearbox (M5A) both have a 4 to 1 reduction ratio. Page 17 of the attached leaflet.
    • Robbo3
      Robbo3 replied to the thread Joke Thread 5.
      Only in North America Only in North America... can a pizza get to your house faster than an ambulance... Only in North America... are...
    • Robbo3
      Robbo3 replied to the thread Diy Steady rest ideas.
      My quick knock up based on an idea by Alan Stratton of As Wood Turns - Note that...
      • Tip 042d - Centre Steady.jpg
      • Tip 042e - Centre Steady.jpg
    • Robbo3
      Robbo3 replied to the thread Cbn grinding wheels.
      Dunno, but the gent who gave a demo at West Oxfordshire Woodturners this week told us that a member of the club he attends has bought a...
    • Robbo3
      Robbo3 replied to the thread Joke Thread 5.
      Good old Tracy tools. Been using them for years. - ----------- The only cow in a small town in Northern...
    • Robbo3
      Robbo3 replied to the thread New to wood turning.
      There is no correct angle but 30° is considered the norm for a spindle gouge. Bowl gouges vary depending on the user & a host of...
    • Robbo3
      Robbo3 replied to the thread Glasses fogging wearing face mask.
      Try anti static wipes for tumble driers. Not only does it stop fogging & dust attraction but it makes them smell nice :cool: Also makes...
    • Robbo3
      Robbo3 replied to the thread Modular tool post issue..
      Thank you. I knew the Sorby rests were M12 x 1.25 & I have a suitable die to clean or repair the threads but I didn't know about the...
    • Robbo3
      Classic FM or Gold radio depending on whether I am doing anything noisy. What I didn't know but found interesting was ... How Allegri's...
    • Robbo3
      Robbo3 replied to the thread Joke Thread 5.
      A young Portsmouth woman was so depressed that she decided to end her life by throwing herself into the sea, but just before she could...
    • Robbo3
      It's not only not being able to get into small spaces it's the body seizing up & cramping plus not having the same strength especially...
    • Robbo3
      I'm surprised that a jig is being used to grind a spindle roughing gouge. Normal practice is to just use a flat rest. I find it easiest...
    • Robbo3
      Robbo3 replied to the thread Record DML 24.
      Also added DML 24 Bearing change by the Ultimate Handman.
    • Robbo3
      Robbo3 replied to the thread Joke Thread 5.
      The day after a man lost his wife in a boating accident, he was greeted by two grim-faced policemen at his door. "We're sorry to call on...
    • Robbo3
      Robbo3 replied to the thread Versachuck jaw flinging woes.
      I have done what I set out to do, which is make sure any beginner reading this thread doesn't fall into the trap of thinking that...
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