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    • Doris
      Doris reacted to Bodone's post in the thread Telescopes with Like Like.
      I have the Zwo S50 auto scope and an Explore scientific ed127cf with a heavy duty mount and lenses/cameras to suit. The big scope is...
    • Doris
      Doris replied to the thread Telescopes.
      Thank you! I think you may have saved me a few quid and a lot of frustration. I may be looking into the SeeStar50 though.... It's a...
    • Doris
      Doris replied to the thread EV owners - Car Tax.
      There's only one Toyota pure EV I can think of that has only just been released in the past year or so. Are you sure you're not thinking...
    • Doris
      Doris reacted to bbtex's post in the thread Telescopes with Like Like.
      One thing to be wary of with Newtonian reflectors (the mirror is at the back and the eyepiece towards the front) is that unless you...
    • Doris
      Doris reacted to imageel's post in the thread Telescopes with Wow Wow.
      Whilst I have no real interest in astronomy, at the start of Covid I randomly got involved with this group who are using cheap security...
    • Doris
      Doris reacted to misterfish's post in the thread Telescopes with Like Like.
      As I mentioed above have a look an my link to images taken by owners of this telescope and you can see good images of celestial objects...
    • Doris
      Doris replied to the thread Telescopes.
      Whatever you decided to buy. I'd look into getting a decent second hand version instead of shelling out for a brand spanking new one if...
    • Doris
      Essex? Yes I've heard of that place! Southend born, Loughton resident, Toot Hill workshop.
    • Doris
      I’ve been lurking in the background for a few months and have picked up a lot of useful tips. Now taking the plunge to become visible...
    • Doris
      Doris replied to the thread Hi from Essex.
      I'm only 2 or 3 miles south of you. Welcome :)
    • Doris
      Have you got a good exhaust fitting shop near you? Not one of the big chains but a local specialist We have a local one and he has a cnc...
    • Doris
      Doris reacted to RonnieI's post in the thread Instagram with Like Like.
      I've reported several things to Facebook over the last year or so; inappropriate content, mislesding/false advertising, etc. Every...
    • Doris
      Doris reacted to brocher's post in the thread Instagram with Like Like.
      I agree. I was actually quite active on Twitter but since Musk bought it, he has destroyed it totally. It is a vile place now, so I...
    • Doris
      Doris replied to the thread Instagram.
      I personally have never had any sales through Instagram. In person has always been the best way for me to sell. Almost all artists I...
    • Doris
      I too am with you on this question, I wanted some lathe parts from US but he would not ship to UK, I had them ordered and delivered to a...
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