Woodfast m410


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Established Member
19 May 2010
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Cardigan Wales
Hi All,

Looks as if i'm going to get a lathe upgrade from a sip 01490 to a woofast m410, have any of you got any experiance of this lathe,
I have seen it looks in good condition what are your thoughts as there is a wealth of knowldge here.


PS i can't find anything about these lathes on the internet they are probably under a diferent name.
Woodfast are made in Australia

Early models are belt speed change

Later models are electronic variable speed

1.5HP so plenty of power

Heavy ( Good )

20" swing over bed

16" along the bed

M33 x 3.5 spindle thread so a popular size

No 2 morse tapers

No swivel headstock

I have owned one and its bigger brother M910

All above from Memory so may not be 100% accurate

is it worth buying ? YES depending on price and what comes with it , chuck / face plate / drive - revolving center
The new Woodfast lathes now come out of the record stable the MAXI 1 and 2 also the little bother DML305-vs I have the Maxi 1 and the DML 305-vs and if they are anything to go by then they are fantastic machines
Thanks for the info guys,

Been checking on the net still can't find to much about it, what i can say it has with the lathe- it is a short bed, has tail stock and revolving center also has a faceplate,
and headstock center pin, no chuck but mine can be adapted to fit. the lathe also has bowl turning at the back of the lathe so can turn 20" over bed and 35-36"
platters at the back of the lathe all fittings are supplied apart from face plate and chuck as these need thread in the other direction.

One more bit of info it has a 5 speed pully system and this can also be controled eletrically by turning a nob so eletric speed control as well.

The lathe its self is in good condition and has a price of £750.00

what you guys think?

Sounds a bit pricey to me compared with new guaranteed lathes , It must be 15 years old at least ?

Better offer would be £600 as it has no chuck :(

You may have problems getting a chuck for the outboard end of the lathe as its a strange thread
Hi again,

Not sure of age didn't get those details put a diposit on it now should be getting it in about 3 weeks, i'll see it in action by then as well.

Sorry to bump this thread,

Any one know where i can find a manual for this lathe I know its a short bed but would like to know the distance dettween centers.

Good lathe, Never had any bother with my one till just now when my faceplate has somehow got stuck on the outboard side. Had problem with the motor in the past when the key holding the pulley onto the shaft disintigrated but managed to source a replacement one from a motor refurbisher locally.
Thanks for the replies,

just went and paid for it today hopefully it will be delivered on thursday bit heavy to put in the van/car.


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