What is it about Felders and conmen


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high value i suspect. little more to it than that.

I have seen it countless times with landrovers, or vintage tractors. often located in remote places, and the person will need a quick sale, but not be available for you to visit. They offer to hold the money in (fake) escrow and ship it to you for your inspection etc etc.
Thought I'd see how one would report something like this, didn't manage to find an option in their list of report reasons that covered this, and no option to explain.
mind_the_goat":26m68q8q said:
Thought I'd see how one would report something like this, didn't manage to find an option in their list of report reasons that covered this, and no option to explain.

I reported it as fraudulent activity I think, can't recall which drop down I chose first of all to get that though.
I reported the Combi when it was doing the rounds,

The only way I could do it was by being referred to a fraudulent activity site by ebay and filling in a long and drawn out form which is I believe forwarded to the police
Why not just click the "report item" button? Looks like it's been taken down now too.

I'd love to know what happened with the first one linked, people bid it up to a couple of grand. Hope no-one was hurt.
The fact is that small woodworking enterprises (the sorts of business most likely to buy a Felder combi) have a sky high bankruptcy rate. So unfortunately there's generally plenty of used Felder kit where the seller is desperate for a quick cash sale and will often use the photos from a previous Ebay listing in their rush to get it sold. I'm not saying that applies here, but I've seen similar scenarios played out all too often. Anyhow, back to work before I become one of them!
custard":1gucuw5g said:
The fact is that small woodworking enterprises (the sorts of business most likely to buy a Felder combi) have a sky high bankruptcy rate. So unfortunately there's generally plenty of used Felder kit where the seller is desperate for a quick cash sale and will often use the photos from a previous Ebay listing in their rush to get it sold. I'm not saying that applies here, but I've seen similar scenarios played out all too often. Anyhow, back to work before I become one of them!

I find this hard to believe,

My experiences of these listings is that the descriptions are often very similar (sometimes copied verbatim), their locations are spread across the country (those that are not are usually located in Northern Scotland or a Scottish Isle), the sellers have little or no feedback, and why don't they sell on the first listing.

In this day and age with smartphone usage it is easier to list a self taken photo than trawl google for a picture of the same or similar item
katellwood":2odw9wc5 said:

Well its funny you should post this - he very nearly got,me on Monday. I reported it to the police and now found it up for sale again under a different name and place. Reported it to ebay.

If you go on Craigslist - well known for frauds - you will find an entire page of felder. Its all bent - I've emailed all of them and got very dodgy replies. Its a pretty specialised bit of kit to use for fraud though, weird.
Yeah Custard very - although not what I was saying Monday night on the phone to my bank. He was quite good at it to give him his due. Doesn't look like I'll be getting a Felder anytime soon!
What an odd choice of item for fraud. I'd go further as to why, but I wouldn't want to give these bastards any information that could be remotely useful to them.
katellwood":2tjdbyz7 said:
I reported the Combi when it was doing the rounds,

The only way I could do it was by being referred to a fraudulent activity site by ebay and filling in a long and drawn out form which is I believe forwarded to the police

If you believe that the police are interested in any way, shape or form then please think again. I nearly got conned paying into a so-called PayPal 'escrow' account when buying a Discovery. I strung the fraudster along to the extent of actually getting their bank account details and armed with that went down to my local fuzz. Totally and completely uninterested. They simply do not have the resources to follow something like this up.

eBay could easily do more. These cons have been reported as fraudulent time and time again. But, as long as they get their fees, eBay couldn't care diddly-squat.