This is not a precise list but what I use to turn the pens I make
Hope this helps others starting out
First on the list is a pen mandrel (Mine is kit form) Which came with 5 slimline pen kits
For the larger pens a large milling set
Glues for gluing the tubes into the blanks. I use super glue and polyurethane
Pen kits are a must first is a slimline which can be turned on the above Mandrel without any extras the second is a cigar pen which require bushings to be purchased separate (keep bushing in a bag with the name of the pen type on it, saves a lot of headaches)
This clamp is all I use to assemble the pens but you can go to the expense of a proper assembly clamp
Lastly some sort of material to make your pens with.
Firstly Acrylic blanks
Next Polyester Blanks
And lastly Wooden blanks
There are other materials such as Corian and I am sure there are more
Other than what I have listed a drill press or if you want to drill the centres on the lathe a chuck as below
This is only a guide and what I use. Hope this helps others in Starting out in pen turning.
Will try and answer any questions if you have any
One last thing apologies for the photo's camera went on the blink and used a phone camera instead