Old 99 Loco


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18 Sep 2008
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Canterbury United Kingdom
I have managed to start on the three projects this is one of them.

Spent three days preparing and sizing the wood as well as marking out then onto the cutting out of these parts.

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I have a couple of draws full of prepared wood leftover from other projects which will help out and cut down on having to mess about preparing more

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Some of the parts cut out yesterday and today may not look a lot but I also did the parts for two more models.
The piece by itself was a lack of concentration while using the bandsaw I managed to follow a line which should not have been followed, OOPS comes to mind

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This should be one piece I could repair it but I would not be satisfied and it would just annoy me knowing it is there

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Main boiler parts all squared up ready to be glued and thrown onto my favoutite machine in the workshop, The lathe

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The second attempt at the main chassis all marked out and ready to be cut will try that tomorrow

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Cut out the second attempt at the main chassis this time with no hiccups.

Glued up the boiler blank and leaving it overnight as well as glue the chassis to the main bed which the cab fits to

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Today has been a very slow in the workshop because of Friday shopping9 Which I just hate at the best of times let alone with all this virus. As well as having to plant out some veg and of coarse the watering.

I did, however, manage to get some work done on the loco like turn the boiler and cut some parts ready for glueing and turning things like the funnel, sand dome and valve dome.

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Today was a good day in the workshop well if you want to call it that.
I managed to get the funnel, steam dome and sand dome completed today the four photos of the funnel during construction

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The sand dome blank ready for turning

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All three funnel, sand dome and steam dome

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The firebox that I cut out the other day and a photo of it in position none of the parts are glued in place yet

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A good day on the loco other than stopping and preparing some wood for the Mercedes truck and took the opportunity to do some for all the loco wheels.

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Once I got started I began the build of the cowcatcher and the bracket for this and the front cylinder bracket.

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Some short pieces of Oak that are ideal for the tanks at the back and the pistons and their covers, which again is another job for tomorrow

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After work on the truck, I decided to turn the two tanks and the two pistons with their respective end caps this was a relatively short task, by this time it was getting quite warm in the workshop so I changed the heat of the workshop to the heat of the kitchen a cooked the wife a meal.
I must be a gluten for punishment as after the meal I went into the hot greenhouse to water everything in there and weed around the plants.

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Started with cutting out the cab windows cleaning up with a file made this easy.

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Marking up the boiler was easier than expected even though it still took some time. Improvised flat surface as I could not be bothered to get the granite surface plate out.

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Drilled all the holes in the boiler as well as the pistons which in the photo are glued together

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Just could not resist dry fitting some of the pieces on the boiler. The funnel looks oversize in this picture but that is the photo angle.

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The first of the major parts being glued up it should now start to take shape

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Been busy with other things but managed a little time in the workshop. This is where I left off

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The plans for this loco did not have any detail for the firebox so a little imagination just to make some details.
As well as that the two side panels and the funnel sand box and valve dome all fitted

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I walked out to the workshop and opened up and thought that it was a little cooler out and looked at the grass decided to cut that while it was a comfortable temperature out.
So another essential job is done and brownie points earned.

I did get into the workshop and turned the tyre part of all the wheels followed by starting to get the set up for the recess sorted so tomorrow I can complete them as I don't need to cut them out for the spokes.

So I now have 18 wheels all at the same stage. Well for the more observant amongst you will have noticed there are 20 wheels with two sets having an odd one extra well do have to have at least some spares and it does not take any longer.

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Made a simple jig to hold the wheels there is a metal pin in the centre set to the correct depth when the wheel is in place on it this gave me something as a guide to turn down to leaving a 1/8" deep recess in each wheel. The wheels are prevented from spinning on the jig by a small piece of double-sided tape. I also used the same jig to turn two doughnuts of wood which once turned and marked made two weights each for the larger wheels.

I think total time to make all of the wheels is about 2 1/2 hours including coffee breaks as it does not take long to form each wheel(that drom a length of wood to completed wheels).

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The completed wheels including the tender wheels as well

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Now I can move forward again. The picture below is all the parts I have so far

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Cut out the parts for the tender as well as the milk churn storage block

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All glued together and dry

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Cut out the side plates for the bogie frames on the tender

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Then the chassis parts

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Dry fit the tender body and bogie chassis parts and place behind the loco this gives an idea of the size of it which measures approximately 25"

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Assembly of the tender bogies as well as applying the finish before fitting to the tender body which is also given its finish

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The tender all glue together after the finish had dried.

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It looks beautifully made. How many miles of track will you be making for it...?
NickM":2krw4jxc said:
It looks beautifully made. How many miles of track will you be making for it...?

Thank you . only about 26" at the moment that is as long as I don't make the carriages as well

Trainee neophyte":2krw4jxc said:
I am in awe of your patience. How much sanding is involved?

Sanding… [shudder]

Plenty of sanding. This is one of three that I am making, well I say making as one is finished which is the truck and the other is also on here which is a tractor. I have plenty of time so have to fill it doing something
I seemed to have lost track of things and not posted any updates on this well the good news is that it is now complete.
Measures 26" long

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WELL up to your very high standards Dalboy. But I'm not sure about the china teapot balanced on the cab ;-) ;-)

(on the window sill behind, in the 3rd pic).
AES":3v8wcxu2 said:
WELL up to your very high standards Dalboy. But I'm not sure about the china teapot balanced on the cab ;-) ;-)

(on the window sill behind, in the 3rd pic).

Thank you.

My normal photo set up was just to narrow to get this on it so the tea pot was a must :twisted: :D :D :D