Domino...worth it or nae?

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Karl":2af4l0hk said:
Dibs-h":2af4l0hk said:
Relatively small feedback, no activity in the last 6 months, collection not possible, so would you part with somewhere near £500? When I read your post 1st and saw the current price - thought I'll have a bid, but having looked at the feedback, etc. no chance.

Rather pay more but get it with warranty, as opposed to ripped off. People who won't allow collection of something relatively small but high value are always suspect in my book.

Pay with Paypal - if it doesn't turn up you get a refund.

I know what you mean - but I'm a bit old school, i.e. if it quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, etc. Too good to be true and all that. I've got enough headaches than to be ar5ing around trying to get Paypal to refund.
Morning gents. I've lurked here a while and this thread has prompted me to join in with my first post. Actually, I was tempted to join in at page 1, but wasn't sure I had much to contribute after about page two; then again at page 4, 5, and page 7 and now…

Anyway, I run a carpentry (I'm using that in the loosest sense, as a customer might!) and general handyman business in West London, mostly making the common things that people commission (alcove units, bookcases, wardrobes, under-stairs cupboards etc…) usually from sheet materials and softwoods.

At the risk of making this sound like an AA meeting ("My name's Peter, I have Festool…") I have a Domino and wouldn't be without it, though (much like the expensive hand planes the OP was considering selling to fund his purchase) mine spends a lot of the time under the bench waiting to be used - isn't that always the way? But it's there when I need it and I have it for all the reasons that others further up the thread have given - speed, convenience, accuracy etc…

I bought mine (an ex-demo unit) on eBay, paid with PayPal and it arrived promptly and without any issues. Yes, it's sensible to be cautious, but in many hundreds of eBay purchases over many years I've never had to get PayPal involved to sort anything out. Hope this helps.

Cheers for now, Pete.
Dibs is right. The best price for a machine is £579 (Axminster, Rutlands etc). The assorted set of cutters and dominos is another £180.

I agree that for another £65 I'd rather pay it and have a proper receipt from a retailer and proper guarantee.
Escudo":1qnt14aa said:
Welcome aboard Pete.

I must say I am rather puzzled by your foot note. It seems to imply that you don't like being a carpenter / handyman?, or rather some one else doesn't approve. :?


I think he's being ironic - it made me chuckle anyway.
Escudo":2iv09iiw said:
Welcome aboard Pete.
I must say I am rather puzzled by your foot note...

Thanks again for the welcome. Re. your puzzlement, I'm very happy being a carpenter/handyman as it brings in a variety of work that keeps me entertained and reasonably sharp. Without taking this (I hope) too far OT; I trained originally as a joiner, but became side-tracked with another career (photographer) that lasted 25 years. I came back 'on the tools' in 2001 but didn't feel comfortable calling myself a joiner after that period of time, and to be frank wasn't too fussed about what I did.

So I called myself a 'handyman' and as a consequence have had a lot of stick from members of other forums (fora?) who generally regard the handyman 'breed' as lower than pond-scum (untrained, unregulated, not a 'proper' trade etc...) - yes, even below kitchen-fitters...

So, not being overly familiar with this forum I thought I'd pre-empt the jibes by making reference to it in my sig. I'll admit, I hadn't read it as in any way my being unhappy in what I do, but I do see your point and will change it in due course - and clearly this is a far more mature forum, in every sense of the word! :wink:

Cheers and thanks again,

I understand Pete.

I am sure you will find the forum a friendly place and a useful resource.

I am a hobby woodworker, and enjoy making things in my spare time. I only have a small workshop but hope to move to a something larger elsewhere in the garden. This is my next big project.

At the moment I am working on a mantle clock (refer the project section), this is in the forum competition and has to be completed this month.

Cheers, Tony.
petermillard":6q5ele24 said:
So I called myself a 'handyman' and as a consequence have had a lot of stick from members of other forums (fora?) who generally regard the handyman 'breed' as lower than pond-scum (untrained, unregulated, not a 'proper' trade etc...) - yes, even below kitchen-fitters...

I think you're wise to call yourself a handyman/carpenter. It sounds more public friendly than 'joiner' which people assume is someone in the building trade rather than a nice man who will come round and fit a couple of doors and put some shelves up.

I meanwhile, prefer 'cabinetmaker' and people always think that this puts me a cut above 'joiner'. It doesn't. I am untrained, unregulated, and as far as I know it isn't a 'proper' trade!

It pays the bills though.


lol. I'm sure you do more than make cabinets - and of course, I'm not totally opposed to the odd cabinet myself. I do find it interesting though that to the vast majority of people anything woodwork-related is "carpentry" - makes all the sub-divisions seem a little bit silly really...
