Derek Cohen (Perth Oz)
Established Member
I like building tools, partly because it is pleasurable working with tools we make for ourselves, and partly because I needed a quick fix .. to see something completed now as the current project, two military chests, are still some weeks away in this regard.
It's been a while since I built a saw. I convinced myself another carcase saw would be useful. I already had one from Andrew Lunn at Eccentric Tools. This is a very fine saw and it gets much use. It could use a partner.
About a month ago I ordered a 11" long and 2 1/4" wide saw blade and brass back from Mike Wenzloff. The total was $34 for a blade toothed, sharpened and set 14 ppi crosscut. Really, that is as cheap as chips. Add in $14 for the slotted brass back, and the basic costs from a world class sawmaker is under $50! Unbelievable!
For some months I have had a bee in my bonnet about a design for a carcase saw. Firstly, I wanted to build a closed handle saw. This is quite unusual, with the exception of one from Bad Axe Works, all I have seen are open handles. Secondly, I wanted to do the lamb's tongue as a raised carving rather than either the minimised one on this Harvey Peace tenon saw I have from Mike ...
... or carved below, in the gorgeous sash saw handle from the Two Lawyers ..
This was a lot more work than the end result indicates. The raised lamb's tongue (if I may even call it that) is tiny for the extra effort involved. What extra effort? It was necessary to carve away all but the raised areas (one on each side of the handle) before shaping the handle.
The design is also meant to be a little sporty ... you may realise that the fun in designing this saw was sufficient motive to build it.
OK, so here it is. The wood is Jarrah, the handle fits my rather broad paw perfectly. Where most handles are shaped from 7/8" thick stock, I used 1" (after the waste was removed for the raised sections). Finish is Organoil and wax.
The split nuts also came from Mike, but I had a stash from about a year ago.
The slotted back is a slip fit and needs to be secured with Loctite. The brass is a rectangular section and needs to be both shaped (bevelled) and polished.
In use the saw performed faultlessly ...
One final shot, here it is with the Eccentric Tools carcase saw. Although the handles look different, they have the same hang angle..
Regards from Perth
It's been a while since I built a saw. I convinced myself another carcase saw would be useful. I already had one from Andrew Lunn at Eccentric Tools. This is a very fine saw and it gets much use. It could use a partner.
About a month ago I ordered a 11" long and 2 1/4" wide saw blade and brass back from Mike Wenzloff. The total was $34 for a blade toothed, sharpened and set 14 ppi crosscut. Really, that is as cheap as chips. Add in $14 for the slotted brass back, and the basic costs from a world class sawmaker is under $50! Unbelievable!
For some months I have had a bee in my bonnet about a design for a carcase saw. Firstly, I wanted to build a closed handle saw. This is quite unusual, with the exception of one from Bad Axe Works, all I have seen are open handles. Secondly, I wanted to do the lamb's tongue as a raised carving rather than either the minimised one on this Harvey Peace tenon saw I have from Mike ...

... or carved below, in the gorgeous sash saw handle from the Two Lawyers ..

This was a lot more work than the end result indicates. The raised lamb's tongue (if I may even call it that) is tiny for the extra effort involved. What extra effort? It was necessary to carve away all but the raised areas (one on each side of the handle) before shaping the handle.
The design is also meant to be a little sporty ... you may realise that the fun in designing this saw was sufficient motive to build it.
OK, so here it is. The wood is Jarrah, the handle fits my rather broad paw perfectly. Where most handles are shaped from 7/8" thick stock, I used 1" (after the waste was removed for the raised sections). Finish is Organoil and wax.

The split nuts also came from Mike, but I had a stash from about a year ago.

The slotted back is a slip fit and needs to be secured with Loctite. The brass is a rectangular section and needs to be both shaped (bevelled) and polished.

In use the saw performed faultlessly ...

One final shot, here it is with the Eccentric Tools carcase saw. Although the handles look different, they have the same hang angle..

Regards from Perth