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  1. T

    Refelt or other cover my 8 x 16 shed roof?

    I’m a convert to rubber roofing too- 8x16 will be weighty though- and being able to walk on the roof to roll it out will be pretty unavoidable Once done will be much better than felt
  2. T

    New, incompetent, advice-needy

    Ah serves me right for not reading the details fully - you’re quite right, best approach is going to be mitred
  3. T

    New, incompetent, advice-needy

    Welcome, may be worth looking at scribing rather than mitreing that’s how I did my skirting
  4. T

    Historical sticker

    nice bit of history If you’re wondering what the message was here’s a more complete version And there’s quite a debate over it’s introduction in the House of Commons the month after it was brought in
  5. T

    Saw for cutting 5mm mild steel?

    Vertical metal cutting bandsaw is going to be best bet, I have a startrite that works very well with the suitable size blade from tuffsaws A linisher with different sized contact wheels can then be used to clean the edges back. If you’re doing a lot and they are intricate then I’d be sending an...
  6. T

    English workbench (Rex Krueger plans)

    As the bench settles the surface will likely move a bit and then seasonally. This means a light skim with a plane every now and again will likely be desirable to keep it all flat enough. This will also refresh the surface from the dings and spills a bench will see. If it were me I’d leave off...
  7. T

    Helping at a repair cafe

    No direct experience but a friend has done a few stints - lots of mangled screws where people have tried with the wrong bit - so a good set of screwdrivers, screw extractors if you have them, and the roses tin of helpful screws collected in every self respecting she’d come in handy. Multimeter...
  8. T

    Oak bench finish (outdoor)

    No harm in use the clear oil based preserver. Will soak in and slow down any decay. The wood will still weather to gray.
  9. T

    Bandsaw Issues?

    I’d try a new blade - I don’t have any flutter side to side - on my own bandsaw I set the side guides a paper thickness from the blade so any side wobble would be noticeable hence being fairly confident
  10. T

    Axe Handle Fitting

    I’d taper the sides of the wedge so that when tapped in the eye is filled. You could also add a cross wedge at 90 degrees but I don’t see the need in your example.
  11. T

    Kitchen work top cutting

    Scoring the cut line first with a knife, if you can, will save chipping
  12. T

    Do I need a track saw / table saw?

    Having spent the weekend helping a friend fit a kitchen and only having a jigsaw I really missed my track saw. If you cut a lot of sheet goods they’re really useful
  13. T

    How best to cut prewar tapered, laminated, plane iron without losing temper

    Just to check - you are cutting the edge to an angle to turn a regular blade into a skew? You can get diamond blades for cutting metal in an angle grinder- they work well, less likely to fracture than a fibre disk and cut quite cool. That with improvised flood coolant from a hose pipe should...
  14. T

    New member - bandsaw help

    Please do try a new blade that’s what I’d be betting on
  15. T

    Show us your Infill Mallets

    That looks a useful size (the one I found is on the large size) Yeah handle goes through the infil, if the head is fitted to the handle with a taper fit then straight forward to knock it out and then the infil is going to be a block with a tapered mortice. If the handle is held on with wedges...