Wiring an NVR Switch for router table


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Established Member
16 Jan 2005
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Hi all
Some years ago I took apart a defunct B&Q table saw as it was dead. I kept the NVR switch as I thought it might come in handy one day. Well, that day has come. I'm working on a router table wing to go in my table saw and want to use the NVR switch for a bit of added safety. Unfortunately I didn't know what I was doing when I took the switch out of the table saw and I need help reconnecting it.

I've got the input and output wires but they are not connected in the switch and I'm not sure how to connect a double plug to the output side of the switch to plug my router and vac into as it is 5 strand cable - maybe I can't use it?

Still here goes...

Pic 1 is a general shot of the switch


There is reset switch wired in on the input side and a yellow box which I have no clue about as shown in Pic 2


The six ends of cable have to be connected to the switch in Pic 3


There is a wiring diagram on the switch:


which seems to suggest that the cables from the yellow box are connected to pins 2 and 4 but I have no idea which wire goes on which pin or which wire connects opposite them.

I've drawn a diagram - can anyone help with the connections in the switch and the connections to the double plug?


...or tell me if this switch can't be connected to a double plug as it is designed to be connected to a motor!
Mains in on 1 and 3, output to sockets on 2 and 4, no connection to 5 and 6

"Yellow box" is a suppression capacitor and not that important. Could be connected between 2 and 4 if you wish other wise discard it

Earth all exposed metal work including switchbody


Stewart, cant help right now, but the NVR switch looks pretty close to the one I got with a B&Q router table....older model router seperates from table for freehand mode...
If you can wait till the weekend I will take mine apart and check the connections for you and poss. take a couple of piccies..

If that helps you out, but will probably be sunday though

Any Help????
Hi Neil
I can certainly wait until the weekend - thanks for the offer of help.

thanks for the info on the yellow box and the connection suggestions. I have no idea what a suppression capacitor does! What are the advantages of including it? And if I did how would the resulting 5 wires be connected to the double plug's three connections?
Hi, stewart

The suppression capacitor reduces interference caused by the motor and I would fit if I where you, you don't want interference on the Tv when you are wood working and your other half is watching Tv, she might want you to stop.

Hi Pete
Thanks for the explanation. I suppose then if I use it I should connect it to 2 and 4 and not connect the two black wires in the output cable to anything?
Hi, Stewart

Looking at the diagram on the back of the switch the rectangular box is the coil that holds the switch on its internally connected, you switch off by disconnecting this coil causing the switch to open, just like when the power is cut.

So output 2 and 4 with the suppressor on 2 and 4 also or best right next to the motor (the source of the noise)

Had a few minutes spare today, but mine looks nothing like yours internally... only 4 pins and no capacitor??, but it does function a an NVR because theres a definate clunk when you switch the power off at mains and the router will not start again from mains switch until the NVR is reset....

At a complete loss as too help, Sorry
Stew! Mains power in= 1&3. Mains out = 2&4.
The remaining two are the motor brake lines. If not connected the motor will take longer than the legally required time to run down and stop!

Right, think I've got the hang of it now. Thanks for the clarification, Roy. I presume as the router doesn't have a brake that i can leave 5 and 6 unconnected - so I can ignore the two black cables in the output flex.

The router I'm connecting to is the big Triton - 2400 watts: will this switch be up that? Suppose I should have asked that first.... :oops:
Sorry Stew, I thought that was for the saw. Yes, leave them off.
The switch should handle the Triton alright.

Thanks, Roy
Wired it up as you and Bob suggested to a light bulb as the table isn't ready yet and it worked fine.
Thanks for all your help.