Established Member
Ok guys and girls...I think now is the time to come out of the closet and state that, without doubt I am now a "collector" of infill planes...I seem to have a strange illness that prevents me from walking away from a sale without ownership and it's getting worse!
Take these three for evidence Millud....
Regular lurkers of the Collectibles>Tools & Hardware section of the infamous FleaBay might have spotted them as:
Not quite as vague as the old Tyzack I spotted recently so not quite a song at £68 but altogether worth every penny of that!
At first I thought these were just old ones and they are but they are old - NEW ones as they have never ever been finished....they don't even have mouths:
Above is the sole of the chariot...then
...the sole of the bullnose...then....
...the little shoulder....I didn't bother photographing the mouth but there isn't one (YET!)
So...one minute you think you have nothing to do in the workshop and then three "buses" come along at once...
Ho Hum!
WIP pics on the finishing later.....this could take a while! :wink:
Take these three for evidence Millud....

Regular lurkers of the Collectibles>Tools & Hardware section of the infamous FleaBay might have spotted them as:

Not quite as vague as the old Tyzack I spotted recently so not quite a song at £68 but altogether worth every penny of that!
At first I thought these were just old ones and they are but they are old - NEW ones as they have never ever been finished....they don't even have mouths:

Above is the sole of the chariot...then

...the sole of the bullnose...then....

...the little shoulder....I didn't bother photographing the mouth but there isn't one (YET!)
So...one minute you think you have nothing to do in the workshop and then three "buses" come along at once...
Ho Hum!
WIP pics on the finishing later.....this could take a while! :wink: