Ed Bray
Established Member
After marcros requested some pictures of the little Mujingfang 3mm Radius Round-over plane in action I specifically went and took some and thought I would share them on here. Great value I thought at £20 and saved me the trouble and noise in setting up the router table), there are 3 in the range but I just got this one and the Mujingfang adjustable chamfer version from Workshop Heaven.
Plane top:
Plane bottom:
Plane with Iroko to round over:
Edge of Iroko to be rounded:
Middle of First Pass:
Round-over after 1st Pass:
During 3rd stroke (shavings from 2nd stroke too):
Completed Round-over (after 4 strokes):
Plane top:
Plane bottom:
Plane with Iroko to round over:
Edge of Iroko to be rounded:
Middle of First Pass:
Round-over after 1st Pass:
During 3rd stroke (shavings from 2nd stroke too):
Completed Round-over (after 4 strokes):