December Woodturning Challenge - THE RESULTS

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Established Member
16 Sep 2010
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Beautiful, but wet, Mid-Wales
The results for the final Challenge of 2014 are now in, and are as follows:-

Judge's Scores

1st - Kim G - The Mortar immediately jumped out at me as being classic and elegant, and, as we have come to expect from Kim, excellently finished. On first view I was put off by the pestle, but after reading the thought process that has gone in to the design, I can appreciate the whys and wherefores of the thought pattern and why it is the shape it is. Nice job. - scores 10 points

2nd - Dennisk - An immaculate finish as always from Dennis. Well turned and finished from complimentary timbers. Well done. - 8 points

3rd - Dalboy - As with Kim's entry, I wasn't drawn in by the design, but once again, after looking and looking again, and reading the thought process, I see exactly why the pestle is that plain design, and I appreciate the wide base of the mortar and simple design. Good job. - 6 points

4th - Heatherw - Although the timber choice of Sycamore would potentially be a little soft for a pestle and mortar, I liked the overall design, with it's modern edge and the quality of the finish looks to be excellent. Well done. - 4 points

5th - Andy413 - This was a close run thing but the finish on Andy's work just got him a place over the 6th placed piece. I liked the simple design and quality of the finish. Well done. - 2 points

Other entrants score 1 point each

Congratulations to all.

Entrants' Scores

Very close markings this month with a wide variety of preferences.

1st KimG with 9 votes - scores 5 points
2nd= barrywat with 8 votes - scores 4 points, and
2nd= heatherw with 8 votes - scores 4 points
4th andy43 with 7 votes - scores 2 points
5th Dalboy with 5 votes - scores 1 point

Overall Scores

Total scores for this month are:-

1st and winner of this month's plaque, KimG with 15 points =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>
2nd= with 8 points are dennisk and heatherw
4th with 7 points is Dalboy
5th with 5 points is barrywat

Final Table for 2014

Dalboy 105 - Winner of the plaque for the 2014 =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>
Dennisk 91
KimG 58
woodmonkey 43
wybrook 38
Sheptonphil 34
Random Orbital Bob 27
Grahamshed 26
heatherw 26
nev 24
sammo 16
SteveF 16
tpot 14
winemaker 13
monkeybiter 11
J-G 9
andy43 8
procell 8
swb58 8
barrywat 5
Soylent1 5
leisurefix 3
mikebeetle 3
NickWelford 3
Tazmaniandevil 3
Bubba 2
Vic Perrin 2
gregmcateer 1
jethro 1
Melinda_dd 1
Rich Morgan 1
congratulations to KimG
was close with the runners up
was a good set of turnings this month
I lost the plot this time and thought last is better than not trying

I can honestly say I am surprised, I really liked a couple of entries and rated them above my own, so a very nice surprise to come out on top.

Superb season of entries from Dalboy (edited, whoops! :oops: ), well done on the years win mate!

Cracking entries all round for this final monthly bash, a heartfelt well done indeed to all who have taken part.
Congatulations Kim. Well deserved.

And well done Dalboy on yiur overall win. You have turned out some stunning pieces in the time that I've been watching. Dennis is also up there at the top where he ought to be, I've learnt a lot from you, Dennis.
Well done to Kim for this months win.

I am surprised that I managed to get as far as I did. There has been some tough competition throughout the year especially from Dennis. Like many I have made things that I possibly would have not even bothered to make and on one or two occasions techniques that I had never tried before. It is not always about the winning but what we take away from such Challenges.
Thank you to all that organised, judged and took part
Well done dalboy on your win for the year, and everyone else who entered throughout the year. Long may the challenge continue (albeit in a more condensed form!)
Congrats on the December win, KimG and to Dalboy , good year of turning.Congrats to all who entered. Thx to the judges as well, and Mike for the organizing. dk
Thank's for the link. How can you pick a winner from those well done to you all =D> =D> =D>